A Message from a Guitar Student's Mom

"Do we not love the children our dear Lord has blessed us with? For this very reason I choose to home-school my children. I heard once that our children are like spiritual arrows that we are sending out and we get such a short time to see sure they are aimed steady, high and sure for the battle ahead, the spiritual battle that is.

"I personally have only one out of three children left at home. When it dawned on me that this child was interested in learning how to play a guitar, I was set to drive wherever and whenever to get this child there. What a "God thing" I thought when I found out that this wonderful young man, who fears the Lord, would drive to my home and teach my child for the exact same price to drive to Franklin. I immediately canceled the Franklin teacher and scheduled Marty at once to come to our home.

"Marty was able to fit us in his already busy schedule, and when he came, I could tell there were no worries. He conducts himself as professional as you could ask. He is always on time and ready and willing. And when I hear my precious little man and Marty playing music in a nearby room, I get a warm fuzzy and it doesn't matter if my little man becomes a famous musician. What matters is my little man is getting spiritually mentored and he doesn't even really know this. I don't know if Marty considers himself a mentor, but I certainly do!

"So while my son is learning guitar, I know the good Lord who answers every sweet prayer for my children has without a doubt brought Marty to us. You can't put a price on good spiritual influences for your child.

"Thank-You God for Marty, and thank-you Marty for doing Kingdom work with every child-family you touch. May the Lord bless you richly.

Dawn Elledge, RN, CM"