Edenbrooke Music Presents First Guitar Recital

Edenbrooke Music had its first guitar recital Saturday evening. It was held at the Brentwood YMCA. Sixteen guitar students performed a Christmas song of their choice. The recital opened with special guest Haeley Vaughn of American Idol singing "Do You Hear What I Hear", accompanied by Edenbrooke Music's guitar teacher Marty Keith.

Marty said, "We consider the evening a huge success, and had over 100 in attendance!" And, he gave special thanks to the following: Jason Salzer, Teen Center Director at the Brentwood YMCA; Michael Ricks, Guitar Tuning Genius; Haeley Vaughn, guest vocalist; and, Keely Keith, Business Manager of Edenbrooke Music.

Marty thanks all of his fantastic guitar students for practicing hard and being faithful to continue with their lessons. He also thanks the parents of his young guitar students for allowing him the honor of teaching their children the art of playing guitar.

Marty thanks all of his fantastic guitar students for practicing hard and being faithful to continue with their lessons. He also thanks the parents of his young guitar students for allowing him the honor of teaching their children the art of playing guitar.